Sunday, September 30, 2012

Away Team

I've really gotten into HeroClix. My latest acquisition is the Star Trek Away Team. The set includes Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhuru, Checkov and Sulu with a badass katana. Now that the Bat Cube is finished I'm working on a tricorder carrying/display case for these figures.

I'm building it at 1:1 scale. That will fit all the figures if I put Kirk behind the speaker grille. I thought about making it large enough that all the figures would fit in the lower compartment, but even at 115% it becomes unwieldy. So, I'm making it where the whole front half of the tricorder up to the display head compartment slides off. The display compartment will swivel like it us supposed to and the other doors will open like they should. I'll put the character cards in the lower compartment. I thought about lighting it, but decided that would be another level of complexity I don't want to get into. After it is constructed I'll coat it in fiberglass resin, detail and finish it. It should make a nice prop by itself. Folks will be surprised when I pull off the front to reveal my HeroClix inside.

Check out this slideshow of my plans for the project.


  1. You might want to learn how to spell the names of the main characters correctly, if you want to look like somebody who knows something about Star Trek. (Hint: they're printed right on the clix base for you.)

  2. OMG! I put an extraneous "C" in Chekov and didn't catch the error! My Star Trek street cred is ruined! Thank you, anonymous commenter for pointing that out!

    You might want to learn how to overlook a typo if you want to look like somebody who knows something about not being a dick. (Hint: nobody likes a smug, know-it-all, asshole who gets an ego bump out of pointing out the mistakes of others.)


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